back copy

美 [ˈbæk kɑːpi]英 [ˈbæk kɒpi]
  • n.过刊;同 back issue;过期的报纸
back copyback copy
  1. Back copy : Out-of-date issue of magazines or periodicals . Also called Back number .


  2. Many software companies make an express provision for the user to make one back up copy .


  3. Enclosed you can find our signed Sales Confirmation NO.01568 in duplicate , both of which please countersign and send back one copy for our file .


  4. Back up a copy of the database encryption keys .


  5. In combination with rsync to back up , copy , and mirror files efficiently and securely to a local or remote host


  6. Although VSS backups can be made on either the production or copy data , we recommend that you back up the copy and avoid an impact to the production physical disks .


  7. They took the HA gene from avian influenza viruses found in Vietnam and made millions of mutant versions , each of which was spliced back into a copy of the original virus .


  8. If the customer agrees to the leasing conditions offered to him , leaseholder and lessee will sign the leasing agreement which is done by way of sending back a signed copy of the offer .


  9. Let 's look at the trigger procedures first ; come back to the bulk copy in the next section , where you 'll use the error-logging mechanism for additional purposes .
